BlueCrew is an on-demand staffing platform for hiring hourly workers. Partner with BlueCrew to quickly fill low complexity positions with high-quality candidates. Zentail sellers trust BlueCrew to hire warehouse and customer service staff to meet seasonal demand and grow their workforce with true flexibility.
List anywhere between one to 100 jobs openings with just a few clicks using one of BlueCrew's job templates, or by posting your own.
BlueCrew's staffing technology will match the best candidates to your job based on location, experience and skills. You can view bios, reviews and rosters before workers arrive on the job.
BlueCrew's W-2 staffing platform will take care of timesheets, payroll and benefits—plus provide local staff to handle any people problems that come up.
You are an employee and the benefits are great. The recruiters care and make sure you have everything [you need] for the job.
BlueCrew currently serves 26 regions across the country. It's best used to fill positions related to warehousing, logistics, customer support, drivers, data entry and other positions in need of scaling.
Accelerate your digital growth with top-notch technology. Avoid hours of scrupulous research and earn monetary support so that you can afford the best solutions early on. No more temporary, half-baked solutions. Only work with the most trusted partners.
Zentail helps to further accelerate your growth with software that simplifies your daily operations: