Sell on Multiple Channels
Without the Headache

Zentail offers one-of-a-kind tech that makes listing to multiple channels extremely fast and ridiculously simple. List products on all your channels 10x faster and boost your listing quality with just a few clicks.
"I love that we can create a product listing in one place and push information and inventory to multiple channels. Zentail makes me feel like a partner. Their support is awesome!"

- Robert C.

List on the Channels that Matter

Amazon multichannel partner with ZentailWalmart multichannel partner with ZentailEbay multichannel partner with ZentailTarget channelShopify multichannel partner with ZentailBig commerce multichannel partner with ZentailNewEgg  multichannel partner with Zentail

Sell on more channels without wasting more of your time

Build a safety net for your brand by listing your products on multiple channels with complete confidence. Zentail is the only platform that builds winning listings from your central catalog instantly.
new revenue icon

+20% New Revenue

through greater brand reach

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3x Channel Diversification

for long-term resilience

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$100:1 Return on Investment

from new, open marketplaces

Go Multichannel Without Breaking a Sweat

The Zentail platform is pre-built for multichannel. With Zentail, you get a full suite of tools that make launching to new channels ridiculously easy.
  • Our SMART Types and inventory tools get you set up automatically—you just need to flip the switch.
  • Your only other task: set up fulfillment preferences, pricing rules and other extra benefits to customize Zentail to your needs.

Keep Your Eye on Every Channel from One Place

Go multichannel without doubling your workload. Zentail keeps your product data, listings and inventory in pristine condition while providing one central location to perform vital functions. 

  • Multichannel inventory sync
  • Intelligent order routing
  • Forecasting 
  • Bulk actions and business rules

Zentail vs. The Other Guys

Zentail is the only platform built for an accelerating world, complete with AI-powered tools that do the heavy lifting for you.

Our platform doesn’t just let you shop for new channels. It drives growth by connecting you with the channels that offer the best return for your time.

McCombs Supply

McCombs processes thousands of orders a day across several ecommerce platforms, so my job would be chaotic—or near impossible, to be honest—had it not been for Zentail and the integrations and automations it provides.
Jose Lopez III, Operations Manager

Expand to New Channels Today