Three things differentiate Zentail from all other multichannel ecommerce platforms:
- Ease of use
- Pace of innovation
- Customer satisfaction
Your multichannel software is absolutely critical to your success as an online seller, you can't afford to be dissatisfied. This article explains how we measure customer success and continuously refine our platform and process to ensure every seller that signs up with Zentail is successful.
Understanding Goals
If you can't measure it, you can't optimize it. From our initial sales calls, through onboarding and ongoing interactions with customers, we want to make sure we have a clear understanding of your goals. We have specific internal goals for each customer (i.e. ROI, interaction, days to onboard, entire catalog live on Walmart and within 3 weeks), and each seller has their own unique set of goals (i.e. 25% annual revenue growth, 10% of sales through branded webstore within 12 months).
Net Promoter Score
![How likely are you to recommend Zentail to a friend?](
We ask this question to each Zentail user monthly. Customers that respond with a 6 or below are Detractors, a 7 or 8 are Passives, and a 9 or 10 are Promoters. To calculate the Net Promoter Score, we subtract the % Detractors from the % Promoters.
We believe the average B2B SaaS (software-as-a-service) company has a Net Promoter score in the range of 20 to 25.1 It's hard to satisfy all customers when your product solves a complex problem and therefore has many features and opportunities for sub-optimal utilization. Our Net Promoter Score is consistently in the range of 50 - 90.
![Net Promoter Score for Zentail is consistently above 70](
Intercom Conversation Ratings
![100% of all conversations ratings received](
We want to know how our customers feel about the quality of service we provide. Our primary touchpoint is chat, and Intercom now allows us to request feedback rating for each conversation. If a customer is not happy with an answer we provide, we want to know. Our feelings won't get hurt, we'll keep working to improve our helpfulness.
Feature Request Surveys
![Zentail feature request survey](
To focus our development resources on the most important and high demand functionality, we survey our customers periodically. We then conduct follow-up calls with responding customers to make sure we understand their needs and preferences. This close collaboration has allowed us to release value-adding functionality quickly and consistently.
We use Salesforce to track all customers and make sure they're onboarded efficiently and provided with a proactive level of ongoing service. Everything gets tracked in Salesforce. That's what we're working towards and it allows our Customer Success team to quickly identify customers that are not achieving their goals.
Hopefully this provides a helpful glimpse into our customer success philosophy and process. Do you have any feedback? We're here to help!
Need Help with Multichannel?
Schedule time with a Zentail expert to see how we can transform your Ecommerce business.