Target Plus Application Guide: How to Apply and Get Approved


August 1, 2024

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Expanding your marketplace presence by applying to sell on Target Plus can give you access to Target’s loyal customer base in an environment with limited competition and the potential to earn millions in sales.

Before reaping these benefits, you must first apply. This blog will guide you through the process of becoming a Target Plus seller, share the best way to apply, and outline what to expect once you’ve applied. 

Do You Meet Target’s Strict Requirements? 

To qualify as a Target Plus seller, you must meet these essential criteria:

U.S. Presence: You have an established physical presence (business and bank account) in the U.S.

Inclusive Products: Your products respect dimensions such as age, race/ethnicity, body size, physical abilities, and sexual orientation.

Environmental Sensitivity: Your products meet stringent requirements for storage, disposal, or shipping.

Explore the other requirements Target has for potential sellers and ensure you’re a good fit using our comprehensive checklist.

How to Apply to Target Plus

Anyone can apply to Target Plus through an application link, but there is a faster, easier way with a higher chance of approval: Through an approved Target Plus integration partner

These integration partners are crucial for your success on Target Plus. While you don’t need to choose your integration partner immediately (though one is required to finalize your agreement with Target), applying through them can greatly increase your chances of getting approved. 

Here’s why: Target Plus relies heavily on its five approved integration partners to source quality vendors. 

The right partner can guide you through the entire Target Plus application and rigorous approval process, helping ensure you get selected and are set up for success on the Target Plus marketplace. Plus, they will support you in maximizing your performance and growth as a seller, ensuring continued success. That’s why it’s important, when evaluating a potential integration partner, to consider the future – who you choose will have a significant impact on the long-term growth of your business on Target Plus. 

Boost your chances of becoming an exclusive Target Plus seller by applying through Zentail

What Comes Next?

Target Plus puts potential sellers through a rigorous approval process – they are deeply committed to curating high-quality sellers and products for their customers. Thoroughly understanding Target’s requirements and choosing the right integration partner will give you an advantage, but it’s also wise to understand what to expect once you’ve applied and been selected to move forward.

The 4 Key Phases of the Target Plus Approval Process

Phase 1: Initial Brand Screening 

Once you’ve applied to be a Target Plus seller, the Target Plus team will conduct an initial screening. There are three possible outcomes:

  • Outright Rejected – Your brand is not a fit for Target Plus, often due to not meeting inclusivity requirements, being a reseller, or Target already having a better-positioned supplier.
  • Future ConsiderationYour brand or products don’t currently align with Target’s priorities but may be considered in the future as their category priorities often change. Reapplication may be necessary.
  • Approved – Your brand fits Target Plus’s strategy and can begin the initial product screening process. This phase can take up to three weeks or longer.

Phase 2: Detailed Product Screening

In this phase, you’ll create your product assortment, and the Target Plus team will conduct brand research to evaluate your offerings. This portion of the process can take anywhere from 30-60 days. 

Phase 3: Onboarding

The longest phase of the approval process is divided into Operational Readiness and Business Readiness stages and involves testing a small set of your products before allowing your integration partner to load the remaining catalog. Expect this phase to take 30-90 days. 

Phase 4: Business Development

After completing the implementation process, a partner success manager from Target Plus will help you develop strategies to boost your sales on the marketplace.

This entire process should take anywhere from 6-12 months, depending on the size of your catalog. Get more details on the approval process by downloading our comprehensive guide

As you continue to sell on Target Plus, your integration partner will help you maximize the exclusive opportunity you’ll have as an exclusive Target Plus seller. This is why it’s incredibly important to choose the right partner for your business

How to Choose the Right Integration Partner

While any integration partner can help you apply to Target Plus, only the right partner can guarantee your success. Picking the right partner from the start saves you time and avoids the headache of choosing the wrong one and having to go through the selection process again, potentially slowing down or even completely inhibiting your launch and success on Target Plus.

Here are a few things to consider when evaluating your Target Plus partner:

  • Speed: How quickly can you get up and running on Target Plus?
  • Automation: Is there a system to efficiently manage and implement frequent taxonomy changes made by Target Plus?
  • Control: How much control do you have over your own listings within the platform?
  • Visibility: How much visibility do you have into the status of your listings?
  • Scalability: Can the software handle increased data volume as your business grows?

For a more thorough evaluation of a potential partner, use our checklist. But first, let’s explore why Zentail is the best choice. 

Apply to Target Plus with Zentail

Increase your chances of getting approved to Target Plus by applying through Zentail. Not only will you improve the likelihood of becoming a Target Plus seller, you’ll also benefit from: 

  • White glove onboarding: Seamless and personalized setup to get you started quickly.
  • Ultra-fast product listing: Get your products listed in record time.
  • Automated change management: Save time with automated updates and management.

Book a meeting with a Zentail team member today to chart your journey to success with Target Plus. 

Need Help with Multichannel?

Schedule time with a Zentail expert to see how we can transform your Ecommerce business.

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